NNY EmComm Nets, Frequencies, and Repeaters

Due to the large and varying geography of our section, VHF/UHF repeaters often only serve a small portion of our amateur radio population. There have been talks on how best to link these isolated locations through RF and other means. Line-of-sight communications are not always possible between any two points, even through repeaters. Repeaters are also single points of failure. NNY ARES members should be developing VHF/UHF simplex networks and HF capability. Primary HF frequencies are 3958 and 7245. Alternate frequencies are 3925 (NYPON @ 5PM, NYSPETN @ 6PM) and 3993.5 (NYS RACES Sunday 9AM).

Primary Repeaters

Northern District: Primary Repeater: Whiteface (emergency use only). There is an Emergency Services Net at 7:30 AM and 7:00 PM every day.
Central Adirondacks: Primary Repeater: Hamilton County RACES on Blue Mountain.
Southern District: Primary Repeater: Cobleskill on Petersburg Mountain.
NNY (and vicinity) Repeater Information

Nets for Emergency Services


VHF Nets

HF Frequencies and Nets

The primary NNY HF voice emergency communications frequencies are 3958 and 7245. Alternate is 3925.
Regional interoperability frequency is 3944.
New York State RACES primary frequency is 3993.5. Alternate is 7245
There is no regularly-scheduled NNY Emcomm net. The North Country Group meets at 8 AM Sunday mornings on 3958.

In an emergency situation, call into any net or QSO and state you have an emergency. Here are a few service nets. See websites for days and times.

National Traffic System HF Nets

Formal message handling is a component of ARES emergency communications. Everyone needs to be familiar with composing, sending, and receiving a standard written Radiogram message. Listening to these nets is a good way to become more comfortable with traffic handling. NNY stations are strongly encouraged to check in, with or without traffic.

HF Digital Nets

See the NNY Digital Emergency Communications page.

ARES Emergency Coordinators and RACES Radio Officers, please email updated net information to Section Emergency Coordinator .